Igniting Legal Excellence in the Cannabis Industrysm
Cannabis Law Sessions 2024
The Intersection Of Cannabis And Hemp
Under The Law And In The Marketplace
December 3, 2024
6 Hours of CLE | Las Vegas, NV
The International Cannabis Bar Association (INCBA) is excited to return to MJBizCon to present our annual set of continuing legal education sessions on Tuesday, December 03, 2024. Designed for attorneys and other professionals serving the cannabis industry such as accountants and consultants, but appropriate for sophisticated business owners and licensees and anyone else offering professional services to the cannabis industry, our legal sessions provide valuable insights for all, whether new to or versed in the cannabis industry or law practice.
As the largest cannabis-focused B2B conference in the world, MJBizCon Las Vegas attracts over 25,000 attendees and over 150,000 industry professionals to city. Take advantage of this incredible business ecosystem and tap into the most knowledgeable community at the intersection of law and cannabis at INCBA's Cannabis Law Sessions.
Conference Chairs
CLE Session Leads
Shay Gilmore
Attorney at Law
The Law Office of Shay Aaron GilmoreScheril Murray Powell
Cannabis HR CouncilPamela Nicole Epstein
Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer
Terpene Belt, Inc.Steve Schain
Senior Counsel
Smart CounselJessica C. McElfresh
Founder and Principal
McElfresh Law, Inc.Timothy L. Alger
Alger Resolutions
Agenda at-a-glance
Location: Room N258
Click each session title to view description, speakers, and course materials, or view full program online
8:00am-9:00am: Registration Located in the hallway outside of Room N258. Check in and pick up your badge.
9:00am-10:00am: Cannabis and Hemp: One Plant Across Contrasting U.S. States and Canadian Frameworks
Ten Minute Break
10:10am-11:10am: Cannabis/Hemp Law Challenges Faced by Municipal Governments
Ten Minute Break
11:20am-12:20pm: Enshrining Best Practices: Enforcement Through the Lens of Strategic and Practical Regulation
12:20pm-1:30pm: Lunch
1:30pm-2:30pm: Navigating the Grey Space: Practical Consideration for Clients Operating in the Cannabis and Hemp Cannabinoid Market
Ten Minute Break
2:40pm-3:50pm: Recent Developments in Litigation and Dispute Resolution in the Cannabis and Hemp Industries
Ten Minute Break
4:00pm-5:00pm: Ethical Jeopardy: The Game of Ethics Credit - and Your Life
7:00pm-10:00pm: Solicitors' Soiree - INCBA's Annual After-Party!
Live CLE | 5 hrs General | 1 hr Ethics
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Las Vegas Convention Center

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Annual Attorney Membership $420 $300 + Current CLS2024 Member "STANDARD" Price $799 = Bundled Price $1,099
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*Discount code valid towards Annual Attorney Membership.
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